All right, this week was transfers, so sorry for the late email. Elder Lavulavu has been transferred. I’m a little bit sad about that, we have had a great time serving together, but he’s still in the zone, so we’ll still see each other a couple of times a week. He has been called to serve as the other district leader in the zone, and so I’m very exited for him. He’s now in the Tongan program, learning and speaking Tongan, of which he’s not quite fluent, but I have no doubt he’ll pick it up quickly. My new companion is Elder Perkins. He’s from California, and he’s quite a bit different from my other companions. He’s a skateboarder, trying to go professional. He likes sceamo and death metal music, and was home-schooled. A bit different from my previous companions, but I think everything should be good. He’s a great teacher, and can keep a conversation going for ages. Emma is really close to her baptism though, and I’m really exited I’ll still be here for it! All things are looking golden!
We also had a bit of a surprise temple trip today. Great to go back. It’s strange to think just how hard it is to get to this temple, I guess we kind of take for granted how close we have so many of them (wow, that sounds like correct English if I’ve ever heard it…..). I’m really glad to have been able to go though.
Well, love you all, have a great week!
Elder Shelton