Well, it’s been a great week here in the down under! Guess what?!?!?!?!? We have a baptismal date! Yay! It’s one of the little girls we’ve been teaching, her mother is less active, and her older sister as well. She’s super exited to come to church though, and really loves the lessons and coming to church! We just have to wait till her birthday in August (hope I’m still here). Still no luck trying to visit the other investigator though (FYI, he’s not William, he’s another investigator, he’s about 11 years old, and his mom is really less active, but a member.) We still have high hopes for him though! Elder Lavulavu was sick for a day this week, really pretty bad, throwing up all over the place, I’m so sick of people being sick. It’s about time everyone get better though. We’re once again back into things, and hopefully, we’re past all the staying in the flat! Things are going really well here though, and I’m hoping that Elder Lavulavu stays here with me for another transfer.
Mahi came back?!?!?!?!? That’s great! I had no idea what happened to her, funny enough, I was thinking about her just the last week. It’s good to hear she’s back! And she has a baby! That’s really great. Seems like the missionaries will be packed in tight now. Although that’s probably really relative. The ward boundaries we cover now are way bigger than even our stake, I bet it’s so weird for missionaries back home. They probably literally can’t go knock doors even if they want to. Turns out, I miss Utah culture a bit. Everything down here is great, but I miss the snow and the Mormons, you know?
Time to answer some questions!
Okay, so the investigator you mentioned last week that you were having trouble with his mother and setting a date, is that William or someone else?
Some one else.
Do you see him anymore?
No, I’m trying to not interfere with his teaching. It would probably just confuse him if I but in too much.
How are you feeling?
Like Sunshine and Butterflies, why do you ask?
Have you gotten over your illness?
Do you ever see Koalas or exotic birds in the city?
Actually, the birds here are still pretty exotic, even in the city. Not much else though.
How many missionaries are assigned to your ward?
You’re getting a new mission president in a week and a half, how do you feel about that?
Well, honestly, I feel like we’re in for another loop. It’s not that I haven’t loved my presidents, but there have been heaps of policy changes, and I think we’re in for heaps more. Its hard because it changes the way you work, so you find a routine that works and then the rules change. For example, we’ve had a rule that you don’t need another male in the house of someone of the opposite gender if the person is over 60. When president Palmer came in, that rule got revoked and it’s still causing a bit of chaos in the mission. I know that several people in Merimbula who are less active are going to be much more difficult to get to because of that rule now, and I think it’s about to happen again. We’ll deal with it, but it’s still a bit of an adjustment.
Did you get the letter I sent yet or your birthday package?
Got the letter, not the package. Did you send them at the same time? Letters get forwarded to our post box, packages stay at the mission office.
Love you all! Have a great week!