Crazy week here in the down under. Mixed bag of emotions this week. I’ll start off by saying that Elder Serle has really, really been struggling. It’s been tough trying to help him through his current struggles, but I’ve come closer to God in the process. He really is a fantastic missionary, and tries his best to always be doing the right things, but he has his set of trials that make his current situation particularly difficult. I’ve burned myself out a little bit this week trying to help him.
On the other hand, we’ve had some fantastic teaching moments this week. This week, our zone had zone training and zone p-day, where they went and played laser-tag. However, Elder Serle and I decided that it was more important to go visit our investigators instead of taking two days out of our schedule to again travel up to Canberra. I’m sure glad we did. The first neat experience was with the relief society’s adopted children. They’ve had a really rough life so far, being passed from foster home to foster home, being split up quite often, living on the streets and even nearly starving to death. They’re really rowdy, and they won’t sit still for more than about four seconds. This week, we decided that we would teach them that families can be together forever by playing a game that over here is known as “red-rover”, but is much more akin the game “sharks and minnows”. The idea was that the person in the middle wanted all their family (plus the two elders) to be with them, so they would do everything they could to help them “be in the middle”. At first, I didn’t really know how well it got to them, because most of our lessons only reach them at a surface level, if at all really. We’ve been told that only one of them, Hayliey, is really interested in being baptized and going to church. However, this time around, Cody, the one who seems the least interested in coming when asked by his mom was really enthusiastic about what he had learned, and remembered everything we had taught him. He at one point in the lesson said “you should teach my dad, because he doesn’t believe in Jesus”. (their mom is married to a non-religious man). Elder Serle then asked “Do you believe in Jesus?”. he replied “Of course I do. That’s why I come to church every week.” I was so happy he said that, it really came through to me that he really does have faith in God, and that it’s not just something that he does because it’s what his sisters do. After the lesson, when his mom was talking to us, he came over to me, and gave me a hug, and said, “You’re my best friend”. I was really touched, and his Mom looked really happy.
The next day, we went over to one of our investigators houses, who has been sick and busy the last several times we’ve gone over to visit her. However, her step-son always comes to the door and talks to us, and really seems to enjoy missionaries. Elder Serle and I asked him this time if he would be interested in learning about the church, and he said sure. We talked a little while, and had a good conversation about prayer and trials, and I think it meant something to him. When we first started talking to him he said “Did you know that Jesus was a carpenter? Yeah! And he died for us?” We told him we did, and then he said “Wow! Do you know everything about Jesus? I just heard that the other day and I was like ‘that’s cool, it’s something I can tell the missionaries!’ “. I think that he’ll be a great investigator, although I think we have a way to go with him.
Earlier in the week, we went and visited our first member referral (the one that the man showed us the door last week). Due to some unusual circumstances, the best time we could meet her was an early morning fishing trip. A member couple invited her to go fishing with them, and also invited us to come along. Unfortunately, the fish weren’t biting, and neither was she. The members have told us that she has had some really good gospel questions, and now has a Book of Mormon she’s reading, but that she “doesn’t want to talk to ministers.” She’s a nice lady, but I think she’s still scared of us. I mean, I know that the bulging muscles are a little intimidating, but come on! The members are still working with her, and are still trying to get her to meet with us, I just think it will take a little time. I think she’s golden though, she doesn’t drink, smoke, go into situations where she would be tempted, and is looking for something in her life. I know the gospel is what she’s looking for!
I love you all, and hope that everything goes well for you.