Zone Conference? What Zone Conference?

Howdy all, another week gone by in the down under. First off it started the week raining. And man did it rain. Most of the streets were flooded over, so our entire day was cancelled and we were only able to do work really close by. We have been trying our hardest to get work done, but our appointments keep falling through. We are trying really hard to get member referrals, but I think the members down here are in really limited circles of people they know, and are unsure if they are ready to take the first step. We have not had much success finding people out in the streets either. Elder Serle is even shyer than I am, and even when I build up the courage to start a conversation with somebody, they’ve turned us away pretty quickly. Most of them are just up here for a couple of days vacation anyway, and we wouldn’t be able to teach them long. I keep praying someone will be put in our path, and even though we’ve been promised that those who are prepared will be put there, I guess God has a little more preparing for me before it happens. It would be really nice to get a member referral soon as well. We are encouraged to teach with members present, but they’re either working or live over an hour away. The members down here are really great though, and I’m sure that when it’s time, we’ll meet their friends.

Things have been crazy this week. We have been able to do lots of service, it’s been crazy how much. I’ve got blisters on my hands that make it a bit hard to type, but it’s a sign that I’ve been working hard. The weather here has been warming up a bit, but still not very “Aussie Spring” yet. This week, we had quite a shock come our way. We were just about to go start visiting people when we received a call from the Assistants to the President. They asked if we had left yet, and if we hadn’t, if we could bring our bikes because some other elders needed them. We had no idea what he was talking about, and much to our surprise, we had a zone conference we were expected to attend the next day. No one had told us that we were having it that week, and they expected we knew because they thought we had the calendar, but I think Elder Phillips took it with him. We were given about an hour before we had to be on our way back up to Canberra, so we packed quickly and headed out.

I had to drop my first investigator this week as well.  This investigator had no problems with the Book of Mormon, prophets, the restoration, or anything, just Sabbath Day worship. Our first week we saw him, we were really unprepared as to what it was going to be like, being our first time meeting him and all, and he went off onto a long rant about how the true church must meet on Saturday. He said that he did not think there was any more point in us visiting, but we left on a good note. Oh well. We received our first member referral this week, and I was elated. Of course, we went to go see her, and her father who we did not know would be there opened the door, saw our name tags and said “go away” before we had the chance to say anything. We were able to contact the member who gave us the referral, and sorted everything out, and we’re going back over to help with a service project in a few hours, where I think we can actually talk to the referral and break the ice with the dad.
Love you!
-Elder Shelton



