Author: Mrs. Shelton

  • Transfers, Service, and Malaria

    5/21/17 Dear Family, Well I will start off with the thing that you are probably the most interested in. Transfer news. Elder Niamkey was transferred away from me to go to Kpong. I was really excited for him because he has been here long and he will be able to go to the bush. He…

  • Service Project

    Dear Family, This week was a normal week. We were able to find 3 part member families that we want to teach. As I have said before families are not easy to find in Oyoko. I hope that I can make some difference in these families lives and bring them closer together. I know how…

  • It Is Home Here

    Dear Family, This week was a really good week. On Tuesday we were able to go to our mission conference with Elder Vinson. It was really incredible. He has such an insight to everything. He talked about a lot of things that have made me think about my own missionary work. President and Sister Heid…

  • Dear Family, It sounds like a good week at home. I miss all of the Christmas things. I was saying the other day how much I disliked when mom made us go to Christmas plays and all that stuff but I have realized now how much I liked it all. I miss all of the…

  • Investigator Fireside

    This week we finally got Elder Buys a companion so we are no longer in a threesome. It has made a huge difference. When President Heid and his wife came to drop him off Thursday night he offered to drive Elder Ojaide and I to the Tema Newtown chapel to attend a fireside that he…

  • Last Email Home!

    This is Josh’s last email to us before he comes home next week. Yes, this is all there was to it. It’s a coded message. Have fun! 3Nephi 5:24 Mathew 2:15 Isaiah 43:6 D&C 126:1-3 Isaiah 60:8 Ether 6:12 Luke 15:6,20 Revelation 11:14 2 Timothy 4:7 3 John 1: 13-14

  • Baptism Coming This Week!

    We have a baptism this week!!!!!!! Her name is Nanise, and she’s been one of the best people I’ve ever taught. She already knows everything is true, and honestly just can’t wait for her baptism!!!!!!! We’ve been teaching her three times a week, and she’s done fantastic. She’ll fly back to Fiji after her confirmation,…

  • Exactly One More Month!

    Howdy all! Well, The computer I’m on has a time limit, so it will be quick today, but here is how things are going! We had our first zone conference this week. I’m giving trainings on the united order and not stealing because that’s been a bit of a problem in our mission. It’s been…

  • Heaps of things to do

    Howdy All! Sorry, this is going to be short, I don’t have much time to write, Heaps of things to do today, but I’ll try to explain what I can with the time I have. Transfers were crazy. We had some additional people come in who we weren’t expecting. President had to shuffle things around…

  • Finishing with MTC Companion!

    Howdy all! Well, it’s been a crazy week. We got everyone all transferred up (you have no idea how much work goes into that! It’s nuts!) It was really sad to see Elder Pedersen go home. It will only be a short time before I see him again, which is nice, but I had a…

  • Every week a crazy week!

    Howdy all! Well, it’s been a bit of a crazy week this week, we started work on transfers and that’s eaten up most of our time. It’s great to be able to spend time with the Backs and work out some of the problems the mission has. I love it! But unfortunately, there’s not really…

  • The Letters Keep Getting Shorter; But So Does the Time…

    Howdy all! Well, It’s been a great week down here. We went on trade off’s in the far out area’s of the mission (Mudgee, Cowra and Dubbo), and that was a lot of fun. I got sick in the week, which was less fun, but I’m feeling a lot better now. Not too much else…

  • AP has it’s perks.

    Things have been good here. I was able to go on trade offs with the zone I started in and just came from. We went to the first area I served(Merimbula), and that was a real experience! Unfortuantely, the missionaries down there haven’t really done anything since I’ve left, so I pulled out some names…

  • A Frenzied Mind

    Howdy all! I should start off by telling you that I’m really tired, so if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes, it is a product of a frenzied mind. Life has been really good. I get almost no sleep (we didn’t get back to the flat until 11:00 last night, and we still hadn’t…

  • ….I got called as AP…..

    It’s honestly been the craziest two days of my life. All President Back told me was that I’m training, and that I should come up for transfers. The AP’s then fed me this bogus story that I was going back out to the mission banishment zone to open up a new branch and train. I…

  • Conference Superbowl

    Howdy all! Well, it’s been another quick week down here. We had mission leadership conference on Monday, emails on Tuesday, Wednesday was trade offs with some other missionaries in the zone,  Thursday was weekly planning, ward splits, and preparing for Friday, Friday was preperation day, we made zone t-shirts with spray paint, and Saturday and…

  • Sary’s Baptism

    Sary’s Baptism

    Howdy all! It’s been a great week down under! Sary was baptized this week, on Easter Sunday! His wife still has a couple of lessons to go through, and then she’ll be getting baptized as well! It was a great service, very last minute, we were going to push his date back so he could…

  • Baptisms Planned!

    Howdy! Sorry, I recon this will be a bit of a short one this week. A lot has happened, but I think I’ll probably just keep it to a minimum so you know…. Good news, we have two baptisms planned for this week! It’s the cambodian family, Sary and Saraam. They’re students here studying to…

  • Adjusting to a new comp; things going well.

    Howdy all! It’s been a great week here in the down under. It’s been a bit of an adjustment to Elder Pedersen, but he’s a great missionary. I guess the hardest thing is that Elder Weiss and I thought a lot the same. We’re totally different people, care about different things, know different things, but…

  • An Exhausting Transfer Day

    ….Alright, I’m pretty tired, so if this email seem short and incoherent, please don’t blame me….. It’s been a good week, but there have been a couple of bumps along the road that explain why I’m so tired right now. Elder Phillips (my trainer and the AP) finished his mission, Elder Weiss got transferred, and…

  • A Good Week

    Howdy all! Well, things have been good this week. We’ve had some really solid lessons, some great new investigators, but nothing really new to talk about. It’s been good, but it’s also been pretty ordinary. A good ordinary, probably better than what I usually have, but ordinary. This may be my last week with Elder…

  • Visit From Elder Bednar

    Howdy everyone, It’s been a great week here in the down under. It’s getting to be the best part of my mission, and it’s getting weird to think it will all be over soon. But Elder Bednar came and talked to us this week! That was so cool! It was way different than I thought…

  • Trying to fit in so many things…

    This week has been crazy. At the beginning of my mission, I had problems with waking up in the middle of the night. Now, I just don’t think I get enough sleep. We’re going several extra miles and trying to fit in so many things into one day. We have about 20 investigators at the…

  • Mission Leadership Conference

    Howdy all! Well, things this week were really, really good. But I’ll have to explain why, because it was almost one of the worst weeks of my life as well at first. All right, it’s my second week as zone leader, and we get called up to MLC – mission leadership conference, (zone leaders and…

  • Best of My Mission!

    Howdy all! This week has been the best of my mission! I love working with Elder Weiss! we did so much good work this week I can’t believe it! Eight new investigators, and set three of the most golden people ever on date to be baptized in March! Our members are going crazy, one of…

  • Big Changes

    Big Changes

    Howdy all!Well, as it seems you’re all guessing, it’s been a week of big changes. I guess first off, I’ve been made a Zone Leader! I’m companions with Elder Weiss. He was in the flat with me last transfer, and he’s a really good missionary. As a zone leader, I should usually have really good…

  • 29 Lessons This Week!

    Howdy all! Well, it’s been a great week here in the down under. We taught 29 lessons this week. The most of my whole mission. We found another 2 new investigators, and had six investigators at church this week! That’s been really great! There was a bit of a Saratov approach deal that went down…

  • Conference With Elder Pearson

    Conference With Elder Pearson

    All right, I apologize for last weeks brevity, but I seriously had almost mo time before the library closed. Allow me to try to compensate for this week and explain what’s been going on over here in the down under….. All right. First off, Things have been really good with the investigator we baptized. He…

  • A very short letter.

    Howdy all! All right.I first off have to apologize, but this will be very brief. We had a funeral today, so we didn’t get to the library till late, and it closes soon, so I hope my typing skills serve me well. This week was pretty mellow. Most people are still on holiday, so we spent…

  • A miracle baptism!

    Hey, Sorry about the end of the call home. The family we were at runs the internet on credit, and they ran out. (My time was up though, I was going to say good bye right after the last sentence….) How is everyone doing? I think I told you most of what happened this week…